There is no more world
The land is gone
Water is all that survived that one
There are no escapes
Gone are the days of mistakes
Our mistakes",
A Blog dedicated to the most amazing guitarist and songwriter: John Frusciante
Well, How shall I begin ? There's so much to tell, you know ?
First, I think this song has become my favorite John Frusciante's song... Because it's so wonderful, sensitive, and it means so much to me now...
Actually, I discovered it back in October 2007, a really strange, weird and moving period when I think back to these days, compare to now where everyting seems to be all written for my future... I discovered it from a French Blog (and yes, sorry everyone, I'm French...), where there were some translations of John's lyrics. Here is the Blog:
I think there's still a comment that I put on the article with 'I'm Around" translation !!! I was "Caronebraska" at the time... But I no longer have this blog for personal reasons...
Well... Now comes the emotive part...
Well.. I really don't know how to tell all that I feel... But I'm gonna try...
This was late at night at think, around 12 P.M., even if I was still going to High School at the time... This was a really beautiful time where I didn't care if I went to sleep at 2 A.M knowing that I'll wake up only 4 hours later and will sleep in Philosophy lesson in the afternoon... I thought there were more interessant things to do in life than High School...
Well... My mom, whom I adore, had just begun a divorce procedure a month ago I think, and all that I wanted for her (like i always have wanted in my life) was happiness... I saw during all these years, how much she was miserable with my father who insulted her and mentally hurted her.. You know, I just wanted her to be happy...
And on that very special day that I discover this song, something happened which I'll never forget... She had met, only few weeks before, a man, with whom she seemed to come back to life, to born again... Me, having seen her so miserable before was totally fulfill.. Well.. almost...
As it was only few weeks that they met, I was still affraid that it didn't work and that my mum couldn't cope with this second heartache...
But, on this very October night... it was just as if I knew that it was going to work...
I was listening to this wonderful song reading it's meaningful lyrics, when my mom arrived from an evening at the Restaurant with the man she had met a few weeks ago...
And she was so happy... And me, listening to the song, reeding the lyrics... It was really as if it was a sign... When I read again the lyrics today, I realise that it applies exactly to my mother's story, even if i didn't realize it at the time... But, you know, these two people on the songs, who seems to want to begin something again, in spite of the drama which upset their lives... and the lyrics, it applies so much to my mother and my step-father !!!
I definitely think it was a sign... How much I would tell her all that I fell about this song and how that I'm happy for her...
That's why I share this with you, because I want so much that someone else know how I feel about this wonderful song...
-Jaguar Red Fiesta 1962
-Telecaster 1963 Custom Sunburst 3 colors (which have the F of Fender engraved on the pickguard )
-Mustang 1969 dakota Red (It's the first at John's right on the picture, otherwise simply because I love guitars... he is holding a Fender Jaguar, the first at the left is his famous '62 Stratocaster, the 2nd at the left is his '55 Strat, the last at the left is his 0-18 acoustic Martin and the last at his right is a Rickenbaker ;)
-Jaguar White
-Les Paul 1969 Custom Black Beauty 2 pickup
-ES-335 Dot 1961 Sunburst (one of my favorite with the '62 Strat & the '63 Tele )
This is also the one that had for the San Fransisco's Performance with Michael Rother and Josh Klinghoffer
- SG 1961 Custom Cherry Red (the one that he has in the Fortune Faded video, and also the same as Robby Krieger of The Doors ;)
- SG 1961 sunburst (Used for the Joy Division's tribute show)
-ES-175 1950s vintage (it almost looks like his Gibson ES 335 Dot, but we can notice that this one is only cutaway, whereas his ES 335 Dot is double cutaway (yes, I 'am maybe a little bit crazy...)
I don't exactly know the model, but with my knowledge of guitars, I'd say it's 12 strings 360/12 model. (It's the one that he uses in the Dani California's video, as you can see in the picture below)
-Dan Armstrong
-Acoustic Guitars:
-Martin 12 strings
-0-18 small bodied blond
.Australian Maton:
-Messiah EM100c
(By the way, the picture is mine… I’ve taken it myself on June, 6th, 2006 in Lyon, and I’m quite prood of it ;)
-Major 200W with KT88 Tubes
-Silver Jubilee 2550
-JTM 45
.Jim Dunlop:
- Orange Tortex, 0.60 mm (the sames as me... ^^)
* Strings:
(an ad for D'addario XL strings with John Frusciante ;)
-CE-1 Chorus Ensemble
-CE-5 Chorus Ensemble
-DS-2 Turbo Distortion
-FV-50 H volume pedal
-MT-2 Metal Zone
-Master Swich
-PDS-8000 (x2)
-English Muff’n
-Holy Grail Reverb
-Electric Mistress Flanger & Filter Matrix
-Big Muff Pi
-Frequency analyzer
-Graphic Fuzz
-Tube Zipper
-Freedom amp
-16 Second Digital Delay
-Micro Synth
-WH10 Wah
.Line 6:
-FM4 Filter Modeler
-DL4 Delay Modeler
-MF-105 MuRF
-MF-105B Bass MuRF
-MF-101 Low-Pass Filter (x 3)
-MF-103 6/12-Stage Phaser
-MF-102 Ring Modulator -Controll Processor (x 2)
-Expression Pedal (x3)
-VT-X Tube Tremolo
-Micro Amp-Phase 90 reissue
-Fuzz Factory
-Uni-Vibe Stereo Chorus
-KORG DTR-2000 Digital Rack Tuner
- Studer A-800 machine (x2)
- Vintage API console
- Doepfer modular analog synth
- Effects rack with a Fairchild 670, Pultecs, 1176s and a vintage Neve and UA modules
- EMT plate
- EMT digital reverb
- Grand Piano
- Organs
- Keyboards
- Mellotron
- ARP 2500
- Yukulele
* Tone:
. Amp:
Channel: Overdrive
Gain: 4
Trebbble: 8
Mid: 2
Bass: 6
Reverb: 7
Amp master volume: 5
. Guitar:
Tone: full
Volume: full
*For more informations about John Frusciante's sound, read this interview : Total Guitar Hero Worship Explosion
And I thinks it's all.... ;)