I just want to make a small introduction to my Blog, and what it will be about.
I've made this Blog to make you discover an unique artist who's inspired me more than anybody ever did and who will always inspire me: John Frusciante.
The aim of my Blog isn't to create a special website dedicated to John Frusciante, where you would find all things about him (there are better websites for that, I'll only quote one : http://www.invisible-movement.net/ , which is a really complete & original website).
I only want to make you discover this amazing artist through some texts that I'd do myself (albums reviews and other). Of course, I'll also put some basic informations (his biography, a list of the equipment that he uses...).
But, I'll put more often concert reviews and other texts, because I think this is the better way to make you discover an essential artist like John Frusciante.
I love his music and his philosophy, I’ve read a lot of interviews of him (especially thanks to http://www.invisible-movement.net/ ) and all that he said made me evolved as a human being and for each moment past or future in my life, now his music and his philosophy are became a part of me.
I really admire him and I decided to pay him honor making this Blog, because he is an absolutely amazing artist, and I also hope that this Blog would make open the eyes to some people who criticize him, as I have seen on some websites or magazines, and it really hurts me to see that, because I can't bear the fact that some people can criticize someone like John. I don't understand. It's really easy for people to criticize someone else when they don't even want to admit that they have problems themselves. It really makes me angry, you know, that sort of people who think they have the good answers, and that only them know all about life. I think that nobody has the good answers and knows all things about life. So instead of criticize the others' idea, why don't approve them and draw some lessons from it ?
At least, when we don't like, we don't criticize ! I don't see the purpose of insulting artists just because we don't like them, I think it's completely ridiculous !
And we can't criticize someone who really believe in his craft, and who really put himself into his music, there's so few artists like that today, we'd better admire them !
Just some thanks...
I just want to thanks some people:
- At first, I want to thanks John Frusciante himself, for existing and creating such wonderful music;
-then my brother, for having made me discovered John Frusciante's music and a lot of good music that I listen today,
-the webmaster of www.invisible-movement.net, who is a really nice and patient person ;
-and finally I want to thanks all the people who'll be visiting my Blog and paying attention to it.
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