I'll put here a list of John Frusciante's Bootlegs (Audio and Video) that exist on Internet.
I don't put all the links in this entry since I don't have all of those Bootlegs, for the most of them I just know that they exists, but I don't personnally have them.
I only give you some links here:
*If you want a website where you can download some Bootlegs, there is a great one with some audio and video Bootlegs: http://www.jftab.com/
for audio Bootlegs it's here: ****
& for video Bootlegs, here: ****
(you can notably find a video medley of the live at La Scene, Paris France, 3rd March 2001, in a quite good quality.)
* The best Bootlegs (in my opinion), are:
- Live at All Tomorrow Parties Festival, on April 23, 2005
A great show, where John really gives the best of himself (as he always does...), and where there are some of his most beautiful songs, like 'I'm Around', 'Dying Song', 'Time Tonight', 'The Days Have Turned', 'The Will To Death' without forgetting 'Song To Sing When I'm Lonely'...
I'd say, this is THE Bootleg we must have if we really admire John Frusciante's work.
There is an audio Bootleg, which you can find here: ****
& a video Bootleg (on Google Video): ****
-Angel Orensanz, New York 2001 15.03: One of the mini-tour's show that John Frusciante did in February-March 2001, for the promo of his third album, To Record Only Water For Ten Days.
The video of 'Secret Side' (a cover of Nico from the Velvet Underground) is really amazing, this is the only one of this show that I have, but if you have the occasion to download the entire show in video (which would be a true luck for you !), don't hesitate, it must be reallly great !
And if you want the show in mp3, here is a link: ****
-Performance #12 John Frusciante, with Michael Rother & Josh Klinghoffer, 2004.05.08: It's one of the shows that John Frusciante did with Michael Rother and Josh Klinghoffer, the one at the Los Angeles' Knitting Factory.
There is a small video Bootleg of it, which only lasts 5 minutes, but it's just... ...wonderful !
To see such good artists playing together... it brings 5 minutes of hapiness in your day...
Here's a link for the video: ****
& the link for the entire mp3: ****
Just enjoy !
-John with Omar & Flea Performance #10 2004 18.05 : A jam between John Frusciante, Flea and Omar Rodriguez of the Mars Volta. It lasts around 20 minutes, there's only music, but I'd say it's enough to make this show a great one.
If you like the kind of Ataxia & The Mars Volta's records, it's for you.
Here's the links for the video:
part 1: ****
part 2: ****
& mp3: ****
- Joy Division Tribute's Concert at Spaceland on 10th October 2000: John Frusciante, Flea and Josh Klinghoffer made a band in 2000 as a Joy Division Tribute band, which they called Still. This show is an extract of what they did with their band... and this is simply amazing !
Clik here to have a little idea of this show...: ****
....the list of all the Bootlegs which exists:
Mongus 1994
Viper Room, LA 1997 20.01
Hollywood Moguls, Los Angeles, USA - March 28, 1997
Small's 1997 06.02
Los Angeles, CA, House of Blues, 1997-08-06
Kentucky, NutStalk 1997
Rochester, NY, 1997-08-05 (with Thelonious Monster)
Rochester, MN, Water Street Music Hall, 1997-05-08
San Antonio, TX, White Rabbit, 1997-05-24
Anchor Inn, NB 1997.04.26
Bottleneck, 1997.04.28
San Antonio, Texas, 1997.05.24
Los Angeles, CA, House of Blues, 1997-08-06
Kentucky, NutStalk 1997
Rochester, NY, 1997-08-05 (with Thelonious Monster)
Rochester, MN, Water Street Music Hall, 1997-05-08
San Antonio, TX, White Rabbit, 1997-05-24
Anchor Inn, NB 1997.04.26
Bottleneck, 1997.04.28
San Antonio, Texas, 1997.05.24
San Fransisco, Johnny Foley's 2001 27.04
La Scène, Paris, France, 2001 03.02
The Roxy, L.A - 19.03.2001
Paradiso 2001 08.02
Paradiso 2001 08.02
Angel Orensanz, New York 2001 15.03
Johnny Foley's 2001 27.04
London, The Bordeline, 2001.01.28
Toronto, Horsehoe Tavern, 2001.02.13
Los Angeles, CA, The Troubadour, 2001.03.31
Los Angeles, Ca, The Ruby, 2001.06.10
Performance # 1, Knitting Factory, Los Angeles, CA, 2003.12.12
Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara, CA, 2003.10.28
Performance #3 2004 02.02
Performance #4 2004 03.02
Performance #5 (00 Ghost 27) 2004 12.03
Performance #7 2004 20.03
Performance #8 2004 21.03
Performance #9 2004 24.03
John with Omar and Flea - Live at Knitting Factory Performance #10 2004 18.05
Performance #12 John Frusciante, Michael Rother & Josh Klinghoffer, 2004.05.08
GT Graphics, Los Angeles, Ca 2004.10.16
Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara, CA, 2005.10.14

Kentucky, NutStalk 1997
Viper Room 1997 20.01
Borderline 2001 28.01
La Scene, Paris, France - 03.02.2001
The Roxy Show 2001 19.03
Angel Orensanz, New York 2001 15.03
San Fransisco, Johnny Foley's 2001 27.04
Horseshoe 2001 13.02
Paradiso 2001 08.02
Toronto, Horeshoe tavern, 2001.02.13
London, THe Bordeline, 2001.01.28
Los Angeles, CA, The Troubadour, 2001.03.31
Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Bowl, 2001.04.26
Los Angeles; CA, Viper Room, 2001.05.01
Los Angeles, Ca, The Ruby, 2001.06.10
Live in Long Beach 2002
Performance #2 2004 05.01
Performance #3 (Dust) 2004 02.02
Performance #8 2004 21.03
Live at the Roxy 2004 (?)
Live at the Roxy 2004 (?)
John, Omar & Flea Performance #10 2004 18.05
Gt Graphics, Los Angeles, CA, 2004.10.16
ATP Festival 2005 23.04
Nice blog, I love John Frusciante too.
Just a correction:on the ATP2005 bootleg, the correct link is:
without the ",".
Great Blog
And thanks for the pictures i never saw John singing without playing guitar before
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